Alert: 3/25/2023 Seminar një ditorë Namaz…


Seminar një ditorë
Namazi im
Me rastin e muajit te shenjte te Ramzanit, Qendra Kulturore Shqiptare Amerikane – “Struga” Xhamia Riverdale per here te pare sjelle risi duke organizuar seminar nje ditor edhe ate cdo te diel ne ora 5:00pm gjate muajit te Ramazanit, duke filluar qe nga neser e diel (26 Mars).
Seminari do jete i ndare ne tre pjese:
Pjesa e I – Do te perfeshij – “Rendesia e Namazit”
Pjesa e II – Do te perfeshij – “Forma e Namazit”
Pjesa e III – Do te perfeshij – “Bisede interaktive ne lidhje me temen e seminarit”
Ftojme te gjithe te interesuarit te marrin pjese ne kete seminar pa mare parasysh moshen dhe gjinine.
Ligjerues te ketij seminari do te jene:
Imami Arun Pollozhani dhe
Imami Muhamed Sulejmani
Me Respekt,
Keshilli i QKSHA-“Struga”

One day seminar
My prayer
On the occasion of the holy month of Ramzan, the Albanian American Cultural Center – “Struga” Riverdale Mosque for the first time brings innovation by holding a one-day seminar every Sunday at 5:00 pm during the month of Ramadan, starting from tomorrow. Sunday (March 26).
The seminar will be honored in three parts:
Part I – will cover – “The Importance of Prayer”
Part II – will introduce – “Form of Prayer”
Part III – will include – “Interactive conversations about the topic of the seminar”
We invite all those interested to participate in this seminar regardless of age and gender.
The lecturers of this seminar will be:
Imam Arun Pollozhani and
Imam Muhammad Suleimani
With respect,
Council of AACC-“Struga”

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