Just a reminder that according to the school year calendar, there is no school or practice tomorrow January 19. Please make sure your children work on their Albanian Heritage projects! Also, do not forget “Bowling Night” is this Tuesday January 22 at Garden Palace in Clifton NJ from 6-8 pm. Your child was given a flyer with all the information last Saturday.
Thank You!
Nje kujtese se sipas kalendarit te vitit shkollor, nuk ka shkolle ose praktike neser me 19 janar. Sigurohuni qe femijet tuaj te punojne ne projektet e tyre te trashegemise shqiptare! Gjithashtu, mos harroni “Bowling Night” eshte te marten me 22 janar ne Garden Palace Clifton NJ prej 6-8 pm. Femijes tuaj ju dha nje fletushke me te gjitha informatat te shtunen e kaluar.